For Local Assistance Call My Arkansas Helpline at
Find a local Licensed Assister at No Cost
Enroll in a Marketplace Plan at or Call the Federal Call Center at 1-800-318-2596
For Local Assistance Call My Arkansas Helpline at
Find a local Licensed Assister at No Cost
Enroll in a Marketplace Plan at or Call the Federal Call Center at 1-800-318-2596
Here are the steps and links for licensure and renewals.
All Marketplace licenses expire on September 30 of each year. Generally, federal training, required for initial licensure and for licensure renewal for the next plan year, re-opens the first part of August. This means that federal training and license renewal will need to be completed between the time that training opens (first part of August) and September 30. Failure to properly renew Marketplace licensure by September 30 will result in the assessment of a late fee.
Below are the steps, and related links, necessary for both initial licensure and licensure renewals. If you have questions, please contact Bruce Donaldson at or at (501) 683-7236
Initial Assister Licensure:
1. Complete Federal Training required for licensing every year.
2. Complete State Training required for initial licensing. Note that Assisters who are not licensed Agents/Brokers are required to complete the Health Literacy and Taxes and the ACA courses in State Training.
3. Complete required on-line background check (only required for Arkansas residents). There is a $24 fee for this that can be paid by credit card.
4. Complete license application and submit $35 plus $5 transaction fee by debit/credit card via online submissions. For further information on payment of licensure/renewal fees, consult the bulletin at Your license will not be processed until the application is completed and the fees submitted.
Renewal Assister Licensure:
1. Complete Federal Training required for licensing.
2. Complete State Training which is not required but recommended for renewal licensure.
3. Complete license application and submit $35 plus $5 transaction fee by debit/credit card via online submissions. For further information on payment of licensure/renewal fees, consult the bulletin at Your license renewal will not be processed until the application is completed and the fees submitted.
Once your marketplace licensure application has been received and reviewed and approved by the Arkansas Insurance Department you may print your license here. You will need your National Producer Number (NPN) to print your license. Your NPN number may be found on the NIPR website.