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Enroll in a Marketplace Plan at or Call the Federal Call Center at 1-800-318-2596
You cannot be turned down for health insurance for health conditions you already have. Even if you have ongoing medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease, you can still get health insurance.
ACA is a law that changed the way people can get individual health insurance. If you get insurance through work, you already have coverage. However, not all jobs offer insurance. People who don’t have insurance through work can buy it through the Health Insurance Marketplace ( The Health Insurance Marketplace gives American Indians special help to sign up and buy insurance. Most Americans have to sign up for insurance during certain times of the year. American Indians can sign up once per month on the Marketplace.
Members of federally recognized tribes or Alaska Natives can enroll in health insurance during any month - not just during the "Open Enrollment" period that happens once each year.
IMPORTANT: To get tax credits and cost-sharing reductions, you will need to sign up for insurance on the Health Insurance Marketplace at or call 1-800-318-2596. Note: You may not see all the financial help you qualify for until you complete the application process.